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3 ответа
Jacksonville, США
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от Спрашивай
Что такое дружба? У вас много друзей?
I noticed when I spent a lot of money I had many friends. When I did not, most went away. So, I choose to have a few friends now. If people are sincere and not selfish then yes, I would want more friends.
29 июн 2016 в 4:571467165420 на вопрос дня
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Любишь шоколадки?
Is this a retarded question or what?..lol..Everyone likes chocolate.))
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Почему пингвины не летают?
Because they adapted to the water to swim and flight is not necessary to catch food. Plus their bodies are heavy and thick to protect them from the extreme cold . Heavy , fat thick birds cannot fly! So they adapted to the environment. They survive and swim..)
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