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2723 ответа
Екатеринбург, Россия
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Ответы пользователя2723

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от анонима
Will you go back to Vladivostok if your academic session is finished🙂?
I loooved living there so much that understood I'm not ready to leave this place)
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You look cute in your new profile picture. That dress kind of reminds me of Belle's dress when she dances with the Beast haha
true, ahahah
one of my fav tales
one of my fav tales
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will be there more dancing videos?
was fantastic one
was fantastic one
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Will you make Tiktok account?
Honestly, I don't think so, don't like tiktok
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Right now
the english speaking Fanpage
is the Reddit Plattform
And it keeps getting more Fans :D
the english speaking Fanpage
is the Reddit Plattform
And it keeps getting more Fans :D
Yeah, I was surprised too, the first fanpage, ahaha
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Did you sign up for the guiness world record ????
No, don't get what for
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how much stretching are you doing everyday
to reach your level of flexibility?
to reach your level of flexibility?
Once a week or less, ahahah
I'm flexible from childhood
I'm flexible from childhood
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Any chance of travel to the US in the future?
I'd like to)
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Any other pages/social media apart from Instagram?
Not really, some are for close people only
Thinking of trying YouTube recently, maybe...
Thinking of trying YouTube recently, maybe...
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