Ответ @s_meliora
Какое чувство вы считаете самым важным? Почему?
Чувство одиночества.оно будет настолько глодать изнутри,что ты сделаешь все,что угодно,чтобы оно исчезло.
I wrote her letters and tried to send them
In a bottle I place my hope
An S.O.S full of good intentions sinking
Will you give it to me, don't make me wait
You built me up,
Knocked me down
But I will stand my ground
And guard this light that I've found
I wrote her letters and tried to send them
In a bottle I place my hope
An S.O.S full of good intentions sinking
Will you give it to me, don't make me wait
You built me up,
Knocked me down
But I will stand my ground
And guard this light that I've found
Спрашивай, 24 фев 2016 в 22:17 на вопрос дня